Treasurer Duties

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1. Make at least one monthly deposit of contribution checks.

2. Regularly ick up mail and contributions from the District PO Box.

3. Track group contributions and send out “Thank You” notes.

4. Make out expense checks as needed.

5. Reconcile bank statements.

6. Forward any address changes to the Group Records Chair and new groups contributing (and Secretary).

7. Attend all District and Officers Meetings.

8. Attend the Area Finance Committee meeting and report to district.

9. Give brief report each month at District meeting.

10. Make copies of District monthly finances for DCM

11. Provide Newsletter Chair a quarterly list of groups contributing.

12. Keep abreast of and monitor the district financial needs, policies and practices.

13. Remind Groups of the 7\ tradition opportunities through mailings and reports at D18 meetings.

14. Bring the following to the District meetings:

a. District checkbook

b. Contributions envelopes

c. Reimbursement forms

d. Group contribution tacking list.